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Urdu to Braille Translation for Blind People.

Braille is a tactile writing system used by visually impaired people. It can be read on embossed paper or using refreshable braille displays connecting to computers and smartphone devices. Braille can be written using a slate and stylus, a braille writer, an electronic braille notetaker, or a computer connected to a braille embosser. Liblouis is an open-source braille translator and back-translator named in honor of Louis Braille. It features support for computer and literary braille, supports contracted and uncontracted translation for many languages, and has support for hyphenation. New languages can easily be added through tables that support a rule- or dictionary-based approach. Tools for testing and debugging tables are also included. Install louis on your OS. git clone cd liblouis ./configure make sudo make install sudo ldconfig To use it in Python you need to install it for Python 3 cd python sudo python3 install Now you can u
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Generative AI to Summarize the Urdu Text

Generative AI is like a creative machine, using data to dream up new things! It can write poems, paint pictures, even compose music. Imagine: feeding it words and getting a story back, or showing it a sketch and having it design a building! It's still young, but its potential is mind-blowing. To generate the summary for the Urdu language, I have trained an LLM model. Here are the steps you can follow to train your own Generative AI model for summarization. Install required packages. pip install transformers [ torch ] datasets == 2 .14.5 evaluate rouge_score --quiet Import necessary libraries. from datasets import load_dataset from transformers import AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizer, GenerationConfig, TrainingArguments, Trainer import torch import time import evaluate import pandas as pd import numpy as np Load Dataset huggingface_dataset_name = "mirfan899/usummary" dataset = load_dataset(huggingface_dataset_name) Load pretrained LLM model model_na

Text Summarization for Urdu: Part 2

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Text Summarization for Urdu: Part 1

 Text Summarization is an important task for large documents to get the idea of the document. There are two main summarization techniques used in NLP for text summarization. Extractive Text Summarization :  This approach's name is self-explanatory. Most important sentences or phrases are extracted from the original text and a short summary provided with these important sentences. See the figure for the explanation. Abstractive Text Summarization : This approach uses more advanced deep learning techniques to generate new sentences by learning from the original text. It is a complex task and requires heavy computing power such as GPU. Let's dive into the code for generating the text summary. I'm using Arabic as a parameter because the contributor did an excellent job of handling a lot of things like stemming, Urdu characters support, etc. from summa.summarizer import summarize text = """ اسلام آباد : صدر مملکت ڈاکٹر عارف علوی بھی کورونا وائرس کا شکار ہوگئے۔ سما

Transformer Based QA System for Urdu

Question Answer Bot   The Question-Answer System is the latest trend in NLP.  There are currently two main techniques used for the Question-Answer system. 1 -  Open Domain: It is a wast land of NLP applications to build a QA system. A huge amount of data and text used to build such a system. I will write a blog post later about using the Open-Domain QA system. 2 - Closed Domain:  A closed domain question system is a narrow domain and strictly answers the questions which can be found in the domain. One example of a Closed Domain question system is a Knowledge-Based system. In this tutorial, I will explain the steps to build a Knowledge-Based QA system. Knowledge Base (KB) question answers are mostly used for FAQs. Where the user asks the questions and the model returns the best-matched answer based on the question. It's easy to implement and easy to integrate with chatbots and websites.  It is better to use the KB system for small datasets or narrow domains like questions about a c

Urdu News Classification

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Sentiment Analysis of Products and Services in Pakistan

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